He heard that Wu Lin’s disease needs precious medicinal materials, such as the precious Polygonum multiflorum that he got before, and he planned to keep it to mend his body, but since Wu Lin wanted it, he took it out to Wu Lin.

He also heard that there is a famous doctor in Chengdu who has a good way to cure cough, Zhao buxi, and immediately asked someone to find him. As a result, the famous doctor lost all his savings and his wife in a drugstore hanged herself a few days ago.…

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I don’t know if there is a battle against ghosts in the shallow shrine. Naturally, I don’t trust Goo Tsai or one of Feng Er’s eggs and white fox to arrive at the shallow shrine before.

I can’t relax when I shoot at the shallow shrine. I decided that once I confirmed that Dan Tai Li really came to the shallow shrine alone and returned home, I would definitely settle with him. I can reach the shallow shrine before the invisible paper man. I can see…

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