I don’t know if there is a battle against ghosts in the shallow shrine. Naturally, I don’t trust Goo Tsai or one of Feng Er’s eggs and white fox to arrive at the shallow shrine before.

I can’t relax when I shoot at the shallow shrine. I decided that once I confirmed that Dan Tai Li really came to the shallow shrine alone and returned home, I would definitely settle with him. I can reach the shallow shrine before the invisible paper man. I can see…

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Wu Tianya handed over and said, "The commander-in-chief can rest assured that the Long Jun warship is cruising in the Jiuqu Tianhe all the time, and every card will be exposed if someone tries to detect it."

After the war in Tenga Hajime, the Great Swallows in the Southern Jin Dynasty reorganized their troops from the border to guard the entrances to prevent the other side from raiding. Those cards have been carefully built and laid out for hundreds of years. If you attack them forcibly, you…

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Behind the door, she heard that those people inside couldn’t wait to talk about it. It turned out that they didn’t believe that Lin Shiyun’s child was Chufei’s boyfriend, who was exposed by Lin Shiyun over the years. He was either the boss of a particularly rich city company or a famous director and actor, and Chufei was slightly inferior.

A gold digger will never meet a real love place. Lin Shiyun has eyes for men who are good for her. Whether they love or not, the lights are the same. Xia Zhu was depressed in her heart. It turned out that she still wanted to deceive herself, and now…

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He felt that his fight was very beautiful, and his own mecha as a "shield" for Ji Xinghe would certainly be able to influence Ji Xinghe, a stubborn old man.

But he didn’t know that Ji Xinghe had successfully predicted his order and told many people his attack target before he reached this order. And Ji Xinghe also said that at least 35 imperial mecha could successfully escape like this. Before the calculation, those attacks he suffered were successfully predicted…

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