He heard that Wu Lin’s disease needs precious medicinal materials, such as the precious Polygonum multiflorum that he got before, and he planned to keep it to mend his body, but since Wu Lin wanted it, he took it out to Wu Lin.

He also heard that there is a famous doctor in Chengdu who has a good way to cure cough, Zhao buxi, and immediately asked someone to find him. As a result, the famous doctor lost all his savings and his wife in a drugstore hanged herself a few days ago.…

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"Well, thank you, Nami. This is something very important to me." Wu Tianli pulled out and was hugged by Nojiko. His right hand took two cards and looked at them one by one. As he guessed, these two cards were the ultimate card forging card and ingenious plum dew.

But life is a game of gambling. You can guess right once, but you can’t always guess right. It’s like Wu Tian who guessed what these two cards were, but he couldn’t guess what they would be like. Looking at Mei Kelu’s card, Wu Tian froze. Mei Kelu’s card is…

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And this little girl has no talent except taking some secular tonics, but she can compare herself with big princess, which makes Yunqing look forward to her Seventh Princess even more!

Cloud light and asked her what is practice achievement method? Chu Qi directly answered this question for Hu Lu, "The air-entraining tactic is the same as mine." "What?" The master and servant had a private conversation. Cloud asked Chu lightly, "Do you teach?" Chu Qi "No, the emperor got it…

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Chapter two hundred and fifty-five Transfer A political group is supported by rules. When Cheng Jinzhou holds the most complete imperial edict, even the emperor can’t easily go back on his word. The arrival of Liu Kuang, a four-level star warlock, can’t change the basic facts. It is true that…

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As soon as Qin Suge shouted to greet her, it was another powerful spiritual pressure. This spiritual pressure was similar to that just now. Qin Suge shouted "Hurry up" and saw a series of muffled grunts in his family directly fall to the ground.

In order to release the spell, these elders gathered together to let the enemy pick a leak. Qin Suge’s heart ached. These were all practiced for at least 1000 years, so the elders were directly destroyed by an enemy who didn’t appear. It was really heartbreaking. Fear and anger enveloped…

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